DART Wildlife Rescue
Snared and injured Wild Animals of Hwange need YOUR help.
Donate to help DART Rescue, Rehabilitate & Release the
Snared wild animals back into the wild..

Thanks to the generous support of our DART Donor Community this badly
snared Lion was Rescued, Rehabilitated and successfully Released back into the wild.
Darted & Rescued

Taken for Treatment

Treatment before Release

1-Year Later - Alive & Well

Rescuing injured wild animals generally takes place in remote wilderness areas accessible on rough 4×4 bush tracks.
Each rescue requires expensive wildlife immobilizing drugs, special darting, capture and immobilizing equipment; qualified and highly experienced personnel; reliable and well maintained 4×4 vehicles and essential communications.
As a result every wildlife rescue is a costly exercise.
Many wild animals caught in a poacher’s wire snare will endure terrible pain, stress, exposure and infection resulting in a slow, agonizing death made worse through a lack of food and water.
The DART Team’s primary objective is to try and alleviate the unnecessary suffering of any animal caught in a poacher’s snare.
Over the last 20 years the DART Team has rescued and saved the lives of countless wild animals; from the endangered Cheetah and Painted Dog to bigger and more dangerous species like the African Elephant, Lion and Buffalo.

© DART Wildlife Rescue